Oh, Saphyre, I'm so very sorry that happened to you. From all of that you've found an incredible gift for storytelling and your own voice as a writer. I'm honored to have met you in all of this and to be part of the community where you're sharing your stories. My family harbored painful secrets as well, it's one of the reasons why I've felt so strongly about creating safe spaces where these stories can be told, where the truth can unfold.

Courage. Thank you 🥺

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Thanks for trusting us with your story and I hope you find some peace in the finding and the telling.

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I understand the courage it has taken for you to tell your story Saphyre. There are secrets in my family too but as yet I haven’t had the courage to tell them. Like you I share family stories in the hope that a descendant will come across them in the future. Thankyou for sharing.

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Saphyre, I can feel the anguish, the sorrow you must be carrying in your bones, in your body. I'm so honored that you shared this intimate story with us and hope it will return to you in the form of new friends who will show you the love you've always deserved. I carry a similar story and six months ago, published a memoir. It was my gift to myself. I hope writing this column will give you some peace as well.

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My heart hurts for you. Family secrets can be devastating to us and, absent the players who could shed light on the motivations, we are left to live with our educated guesses and echoes of discernible patterns. I'm so sorry, Saphyre. I do believe there can be healing in the telling; you've found your voice, and that really is something.

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To finally know a truth after years that is so different from what you were led to believe has to be one of the most life-altering things you can experience. There are things that I have discovered in family member's lives and stories that I can only ask, why? My heart goes out to you, I pray that there is something there in that truth that gives you a touch stone for peace.

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I was moved by your bravery to tell your story here and to reveal a secret that hurt you! It can be so devastating to find the truth in such an unexpected manner! Hurt is then compounded by the discovery of betrayal! Your storytelling style has drawn me in and I would love to hear more of your journey when you are able to peel away another layer!

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A powerful story and tragic, considering what happened to you. I am very sad for what you had to experience. In a way knowing her wishes gives you more insight into your mother's love for you. I was sent to live with my grandparents and later discovered that my mother said that under no circumstances should I go to live with my father. But both my parents were a unable to look after a child and I did not experience the terrible childhood you had. It makes you wonder - what might have been?

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Whoa. I have to believe your brother did not know. The only saving grace here, for it is awful that you suffered the consequences of this lie, is that you can rest knowing that your mother wanted something better for you. I am glad you received that letter.

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Wow, that was an incredible thing to learn. I am sorry for what happened to you. Thank you for sharing this story.

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Saphyre, What a shock after all these years to hear what she wanted for you. My heart aches for you. ❤️

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