I like how you think. Let those skeletons out! They only stay scary if you keep them in the closet.

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Once again, you have captured me with the story of your great grandmother and her stepmother in the secret kept hidden for over 100 years. Eva Whitesell certainly suffered from betrayal and then shaming. No wonder she became bitter. You are reclaiming her innocence from beyond! Brilliant.

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What an incredibly sad and painful experience for your great-grandmother. I'm sorry she didn't hit him over the head with a frying pan, pick up those kids and get home to family! But perhaps she knew how her family were going to respond. Clearly her feelings were caught in shame and bitterness afterwards. I feel very sad for her. The 'hired help' he got pregnant - she likely had a lifelong challenge. Her husband-? Well, he lost as well. His infidelity affected so many lives. Thanks for sharing this story.

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Fascinating and freeing at the same time!

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Wow. The secrets of families. As I keep saying, we all have skeletons." Let's face them & defeat them. The ones who hide have the most power.

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