I've not used that AI. I also am amazed at my love of history now when I hated it as a child and even in college where I flunked World History. Not only did it bring down my grade average, but it was an elective! I could have chosen something else but my bro-in-law at the time recommended it!! I've not held that against him and have often wanted to take that class again just to see why I had such a hard time!! Anyway, I got sidetracked there! Good post. I'll be sharing my fav AI soon.

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I admit reluctance to using AI to do nuts and bolts genealogical research, but I have used it to give context to things I've come across in my research, and also a few times to find potential places to look when I've hit a brick wall. I look at is as just another tool in my toolbox, but more like a cherry pitter than a chef's knife.

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