Thanks Saphyre really cool will check it out.

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What a great use of AI and one I will definitely give a try. As I was reading, I was making a list haha. That said, I've had mixed results with AI transcriptions, so am glad you included the reminder to verify against the original text. Great info - thanks!

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That’s a really great example for searching through a well documented language. I wonder whether Family Search will get the AI trained to read cursive script, and even in the future to translate, or just even transliterate old metrical books, which are only just being digitised.

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I think that on its current path AI will get to those harder texts. If it can handle recognizing the variations of letters written differently then it should be the same for things like cursive.

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AI has been incredible boost in Genealogy. Thanks for the very helpful briefing. These days they're coming so fast and furious, it's hard to keep up!

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I've used the FamilySearch AI Full Text Search and got some great results; however, it does not include the records only viewable at a FamilySearch Library (Vermont land records for one). Maybe someday.

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